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Beatstar Data Package Explorer (OPEN BETA)
You started playing on ---
You've opened Beatstar --- times
You have --- friends
You've bragged to --- different people
You have --- active brags
In-App Purchases
You've spent --- on Beatstar.
Thats about --- for every day you've been playing.
Lets Take A Look At Your Last --- Purchases:
These purchases make up --- of your total spend.
Your favorite product is the ---
You have --- songs unlocked.
Your most played songs are --- and ---.
Lets Take A Look At Your Averages:
Your averages, as they are in game.
Your true averages, based off every play you've ever done.
And your medal collection:

Import your song stats into BeatSCORE
Keep track of your song progress on BeatSCORE! With a BeatSCORE account you can import all of your song data to your BeatSCORE personal collection.

BDPE is a tool to explore the contents of your Beatstar data package. It is your device that is doing all the work, so no data is sent to any server!
If you want to support me, you can do so by donating.
Open Beta
BDPE is currently in open beta. This means that there may be bugs and missing features.
If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please join the Discord server and report them.
If you want to support me, you can do so by donating.
No data package? Demo